Sunday, February 6, 2011

We almost did it

Livingston Good News Moment:
For the last few weeks Lena had finally stopped saying her precious F word. We changed it to Fork, it was perfect.

That is until I was at Costco with Lena yesterday and I started saying "Fake" well that was just not right, and out comes that awesome word she liked to say so much. My Bad. I think I am just waiting for her to say it when everyone is quiet at church.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

They missed the Mark

So way back when,I went Christmas shopping, looking for a stocking stuffer for The Brenton. I found this great deal, it was a Nivea for Men gift set that included

1)Very Manly body wash
2) Very Manly shaving cream
3)Very Very manly aftershave lotion
(did I mention this was all for very manly sensitive skin? That was an oversight, The Brenton has regular tough manly skin)
and last but not least
4)very manly chapstick...and here lies my concern.

and mind you, I took like 4 marketing classes so I am a PRO at this stuff)

Now I can imagine it must be hard for the people who design and create these products to go from their main consumer group (oh yeah marketing terms..that's right!) of women and channeling it towards men. And I can see how they tried, I mean they made sure to make the chapstick "Non-shine" so it would appeal to men...BUT they really missed the mark on this because

they designed a chapstick for the man to use EXACTLY like a tube of lipstick! The Brenton likes the product but vows to never use this thing outside the house because it will look like he is applying makeup.So close but yet so off!