Friday, May 14, 2010

My first Mother's Day!

I love this I really really love this girl.
I love that her eyes light up when either daddy or I come into the room. I love that she giggles whenever I touch her nose and make a honking noise. I love that she is so happy and smiles all the time, even when she is crabby and wants to cry she will still give us courtesy smiles or laughs whenever we try to make her happy.

I love that she loves to dance, and if she hears anything from itsy bitsy spider to a commercial jingle she will shake what her mama gave her.

I love that she is a great sleeper, and she will lay quietly in her bed until we come and get her in the morning. I love that when it's nap time she will go lay down quietly in her bed and even if she is not ready to sleep she will just talk to herself and then sleep.

I love that she is adventurous and will eat almost anything I put in front of her, so far she has rejected bananas due to texture and red bell pepper was a test and of course she didn't find it yummy. I love especially that she knows that the ice cream carton looks like and comes booking it over to get some.

I love that no matter where we go she feels that people are there to adore her and she eats it up. She can play shy or just be outright adorable, girl can work a crowd.

I love when she gives me slimy Lena kisses and snuggles, they don't happen too often so you always feel special whenever she gives them. I love that if I walk through the door and don't go immediately to pick her up she will throw a fit, needy is an understatement!

There are so many things that I love about my Adalena, most of all I love that I get to have her forever and eternity! I would have never thought that my life would change so much with one tiny little girl, but it has changed and all for the better.


Stephanie said...

She is beautiful and you are a lovely mother. Enjoy every second of it!

Morgan said...

Don't take this the wrong way, but you look old! Not in a bad way, but in a "Look at that, Jazmine is an adult!" way. Way to grow up!!! ;P

Mrs. Two Cents said...

She is just TOO cute! Glad you had a happy mother's day.

Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Jazzy with the long, long hair!

Megan said...

Happy first Mothers Day, Jazz! She is so dang precious!

Jess Peck said...

oh my gosh. you guys are adorable! and i LOVE LOVE LOVE you long hair!!! you ladies are stunning! so jealous.

Jazz Joyner Livingston said...

The long hair has been such a toss up for me. I wanted to cut it 2 months ago but Brenton kept talking me out of it...we will see if it lasts through the month, it may go back up to my shoulders.