Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I laughed outloud!

Okay so I live on the West side of Sandy. The other day I was driving on the East side of Sandy. I pass a school that I have passed many times before but this time I noticed something that I had never noticed before.

If you read the sign it says JORDAN

Then I read it over and over again until it finally sank it...their mascot is a Beetdigger? I laughed out loud as I passed by.

So that got me thinking...what does a Mascot Beetdigger look like? Well Here is their Logo...
it hasn't given me much of an ideal..and I looked over their website, no sign of a mascot pic anywhere....

so there you have it...the Jordan they grow beets here??


Andrea said...

oh Jazz, you have not been out of California long enough. You need to take a trip up to IDAHO.. to see some real beet diggers.

Ben and Meg said...

Watch out for those beetdiggers! They fight dirty!

miss H Wiest said...

OKAY soo MY DAD went to this High School, and 2 cousins that grew up in Draper!!! SO FUNNY HUNH! My dad would sing their fight song when we were little and make us all laugh!! I love the pic Jazzy... ps.- They do grow sugar beets there

Emily Frame said...

how bout you blog about the good stuff... you know, like. ah. egha. oh.

Brynn Christensen said...

Ok Jaz~

I am a Beetdigger! And yes it is LAME that our mascot is a beetdigger. His offical name is Beetdigger Dan. A tradition... opening assembly the SBO's take a sugar beet and cut off the tops and take a bite showing off their true beetdigger spirit. I believe I have a pic somewhere of Beetdigger Dan I will find it for you and send it to you so your little Jordan Laugh-attack is complete!


Jazz Joyner Livingston said...

Ha, ya Brenton told me after the post, that is where all the kids in our ward go to sad.

I do need to see pic of you with Beetdigger Dan, that is so awesome! I will most likely post it, so beware!