Saturday, September 5, 2009


So last night The Brenton and I were having a little dialog

Brenton: So what do you want to do tomorrow?

Jazz: Uh..I don't know, you want to go to the gym?

Brenton: Yeah, we can go to the gym

Jazz: (takes two steps out of the bathroom) and BAM SMACK CRUNCH...I immediately collapse to the bed and then curl onto the ground

Brenton: What happened??

All I could say, well not so much say, but more of cry was : MY PINKY TOE!

Yes,I kicked the "foot" of the baby co-sleeper and so help me I wanted to die. It caught just between the pinky toe and the toe next to it. The pain, the throbbing, lasted the whole night, I contimplated cutting my pinky toe off to stop the pain!

I didn't break my toe, but I very much jammed it.

Needless to say, we did not go to they Gym....

instead I ate double stuffed golden oreos...

Happy Labor Day Everyone!!!


Jess Peck said...

i love those "accidents" that occur which makes it impossible to work out so then i need to have a pity party and stuff my face with good food! (at least that's what i do)! ;)

Corinne said...

oh NO!! I'm glad you're okay!! I'm kinda sad I don't get to watch your smoochie-poo on Friday. Ask me another time, okay? Fun blog :)