Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where is all the bagged salad???

We're due to have a great big snow storm starting tomorrow and going on pretty much until July.

20 inches they are calling for

I realized that I am all stocked up for the weekend (my birthday weekend if you were interested!)
But I do not have chocolate chips...I always want to bake when I am stuck in my house for multiple days, so I ventured out to the store (that will probably be closed all weekend!)

Everyone was there, buying whatever they thought they were going to need to get through this weekend....and apparently they all thought bagged salad was going to be their saving grace!

For me it was a bag of chocolate chips, a canister of Ghiredelli baking chocolate, Oreo's double stuffed Golden (in case I don't make cookies) and candles for my cake.....

Now let the snow fall!!!


Unknown said...

we are somehow missing all the fun and you guys are getting it all.. can't say i'm sad for that.. have fun and EAT CAKE! Happy Birthday!

Mrs. Two Cents said...

Salad is kind of a random item to be stocking up with during stormy weather... people are so weird! Chocolate chips and oreos = much better stock up choice in my book!!! Hope you stay warm and that your birthday is fantastic!
btw... Post more pictures!!!

Stephanie said...

The leopard print is adorable and Lena is getting so big! Stay warm and safe!