Thursday, October 18, 2007

Alright Alright Alright

Well for all of those who have harassed me, here is my blog for Oct. It's so sad, once the fall term started it seems I lost all control of time. Well okay lets see a nice quick update on what has gone on with the B-man (Brenton) and I! We started school way back in Aug. This term we have decided to do a bit of an experiment and take some classes together. We have a film class, a biology class and a biology lab. So Brenton is wiping the floor with me in Biology Lab. He studies just as much as I do, if not less, and yet 100% on every quiz that we take. And his reasoning...he remembers it from high school...and even then it was SOPHOMORE year!! I am so proud of him. I have however, been able to get even out the points in our Biology lecture. Our Biology I wish I knew his name...well he is amazing. In a not so amazing way that is. When I walk out of his lectures it takes me a while to figure out what it was that I was to get out of that. We figured out that we can Ace his tests by only using his study guide, so we don't go as regularly. That decision was made after we both fell asleep in his class. Now when we go, we pretty much listen to how many times he says the word, Literally. I take a tally I think last time we checked it was 26 times in an hour and a half usually goes with..."And you will die...and I mean that...LITERALLY"

Other then that we are just getting through our days. My whole family, brothers and sisters and mum, all got together a few weeks ago. I get so caught up in the excitement that I forget to take pics. I will have to get some from my brother and then I'll post more. It was so much fun. All but one sister who lives here in Utah with me, are all in California. I didn't think I would get to see them until Christmas, but luckily my cousin had a baby blessing, so they all came to support. It was a great weekend of laughs and mom's cooking. Poor Brenton, he is really starting to see the craziness of my family.

Oh in between that time, Brenton's little sister got married. That was fun. I will have to post some pictures. This event was the first time I wore a dress in years (other then my wedding dress)...Brenton was so proud of me. Since it was a monumental occasion, I will post it so others can see!

Well that is it for me, I hope the reading was good. There are no pics but I will get to some later, I promise! I still need to dec out my apt with my Halloween decorations that I have sitting in my living room. :) As tigger would say TTFN (ta ta for now!)

1 comment:

miss H Wiest said...

Jaz you are hilary-ous! I thought we were good enough friends where... well let me see....hmmm THAT YOU WOULD CALL ME WHEN YOU ARE IN MY HOME TOWN!! wow,..sorry I just miss you. Good luck keeping up with your smarty hubby in Biology.