Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bear Lake

On our big camping trip we decided to spend it half camping and then the other half at the lake. This is Bear Lake, it's gorgeous lake that is half in Utah and half in Logan. Brenton has many memories of this lake. I have been wanting to go, but this is all melted snow water, so it doesn't warm up until Aug. So Aug came and we made a day of it. It was so much fun. We were on the Idaho side. Along with Jaron and his family that went camping with us, Brenton's Mom Jeana, brother and his wife Kenyon and Mer, met up with us. Sadly to say I don't have many pictures to document the lake due to the fact I was in the water the majority of the time. This water is blue of blue. I suggest that everyone go there at least once in your life.

This is a shot from the road. I am told this lake is about 20 miles wide!
The Brenton. This is after our long day in the sun. I made sure we slathered on the sunscreen, luckily for us we did not get sun burned, but it would have been so easy to do. The sun was bright that day!

Okay so the cows. We're driving from our campsite to the lake, it's about 15-20 min. And usually in the mountains I'm used to seeing wildlife...deer, rabbits...whatnot. But not here, in these mountains there are just random herds of cows. They would just be standing right in the middle of the road, usually when you would come around a sharp corner. Luckily for us, Jaron had a monster truck and a great eye for animals, so he cleared the path ahead of us.

Here we are getting ready at our campground. Faythe just loved posing.

While the parents were breaking down their part of camp, Brenton was showing Wyatt the way of the flex. He didn't quite get it, but I'm sure it won't take him too long.

Brenton and I before we headed home.


Emily Frame said...

you guys are too cute. i wish you worked on tuesdays. boo!

Sean and Janet Eyring said...

update your blog already. It's freakin' October! j/k