Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What's in a Name?

My favorite thing to do when I am having to sit still and be quiet for long periods at a time (okay think church) is think about what I am going to name our kids. No I am NOT PREGNANT, but I like to be prepared for things. (and also if I am not doing that I am very disruptive and Brenton gets angry...true story)

Well actually it's more like me sitting there thinking what nicknames I am going to call them. That is very important, because nicknames can stick forever whether they are gOOd or bAd!

Now growing up, my family came up with some pretty scaring nick names for me (and so help me if any of you post those names) but my little brother Jake, well at one point we called him...Nu Nu Muk Muk (sorry Jake) ...I have no idea why.

Okay so group participation....who has a really good nick name from their childhood, or know of a real good one????


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

I have a regular variety of ones that I call my kids. It depends on what they are doing, though. If they pass gas, then I call them "Stinky Stinkerson"
If they are a little too grabby, then they are "Grabby Grabberson". I think you see a pattern...
I was called Seanipoo in 3rd grade.
Westley was Wester or Westo for a few years.
Christopher is Mr. Chrissy (though he's getting too big for such a sissy nickname, will have to think of a more manly one!)

Morgan said...

I think it's really nice that you don't want any of us posting your nicknames up here, but you totally threw Jake under the bus :P

Carmen Joyner said...

Jake was given the Nunumukmuk by Jamie because she was born with the gift of nicknames. I just read a cute one from a book on the life of Abigail Adams; she had a daughter also named Abigail, and she called her "Naby"; it sounds much better than Crabby Aby as I am called at time, but my all time favorite is: Yom
Now that's a good nickname, by Jamie of course.

Jazz Joyner Livingston said...

Jamie does have the gift of NickNames, but she was the one that gave me mine...and that gift wasn't always used for good!!!

The Sartain Family said...

I AM THE GURU of nicknames!
( thank you thank you * waves*)
My kids nicknames keep changing though- My favorite one right now is Brooklyns. She is Baboose...
Sydneys has been Ninnie( thats what she called herself) but now its Seenie and KookaRoo. I love nicknames!