Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't worry about the huge Hurricane IKE slamming Texas!

Love that this is what we have as
"Featured News"
All the media on her hair?? Really? I guess she will just have to cry on the shoulder her hot stud of a husband

Hello!! I give a big Grrr shout out to the UK!

In Other news
: I have successfully ruined 3 attempts at cooking dinner in the last weeks period! Yes 3! But in other good news...Brenton can fit comfortably in his work pants again, so there is a rainbow after all!


Carmen Joyner said...

You can't talk about ruined dinners without details!

Sharen said...

I have to admit im one of the peeping toms you mentioned previously. I found your blog through blog hopping. Please forgive me...
I cant belive that was the featured news. That makes me mad because I have family in Texas. whateva.
I like you blog!

Sharen said...

We dont really know the same people but I found you through trent and emilys blog and I found her blog through Allie Hoopes blog. Thats kinda pathetic I really dont have that much time on my hands!! But im glad I came across your blog!

Mrs. Two Cents said...

Wait... There was a hurricane???

miss H Wiest said...

ok nerd-- PreGGO Hilllaaray needs a new post pronto!! I miss you and need to see pictures of your fun happy smilin face!

Mags Jaussi said...

BEAN - sorry had to... so yes here i am, great to hear from ya and yes hil is very right, when's the next post coming? What are you up to these days?