Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Beginning

Well thank you to all who are so excited for us, we too are very excited!

We are planning for our little bundle of joy to arrive around June 13th-ish. And for those of you trying to do the math, that means I am only 8 1/2 weeks along.

(Gasp) I know, it's before the first 3 months, but seriously I was never good at keeping secrets anyway!

And for those of you who are wondering...YES Brenton is the father!

As for "how I am doing"...well lets just say I know some ladies who spent most of their time in the Ladies room home or away...I have found that I have a super power, where I feel fantastic the whole day. That is until I walk through my door (or run) and then all bets are off.

I think it's just a mental thing, and I vow to be able to stop it!

What I don't get about being Pregnant is: Why is my body not letting me sleep at night? I get that you don't sleep when you are huge and your back hurts, and your stomach is about to explode...but I have a pinto bean inside of me...what the????


The Mortimer's said...

Yay! Congratulations!!! Being pregnant isn't so much fun. Your body is changing and it does wierd things like not leting you sleep. I found that the 2nd trimester is the best. You sleep a little better, your not so tired, and most of the time your morning all-day sickness goes away. Babies are so much fun. I wish you the best pregnancy!

Megan said...

CONGRATULATIONS JAZZ!!! I am sooo happy for you!!! I can't say much about how you are feeling because I loved being pregnant. I never had a single day of morning sickness at all. Ever. Im sorry that you arent feeling 100%, but feeling good a lot of the time is awesome! My Mom was nascious (sp?!) for all 9 months with my sister and me. So be thankful that that hasnt happened. Oh man, I am so stoked for you guys! Just think, getting through the next 9 months means a life time of bring it on!

Jeana said...

We are SO excited for you guys! June is going to be an exceptional month. Hang in there and take real good care of yourself and our new grandbaby! Much love!

Carmen Joyner said...

Jazzy: You'll soon realize that these 9 months are only "MOMMY BOOT CAMP" Where you are being trained physically, mentally and spiritually to deal with another human being that takes total control of your life (inside and out) Getting up in the middle of the night is to prep you for midnight feedings. Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood... and to think there are women who do this more than once...
Take care of Shrek and /or Fiona. Love you always, The Yom

Stephanie said...

Sleeping gets better, then it gets worse. It's all worth it, though.

Be grateful.


sheena said...

I am SOOOOOO happy for you guys!! and what relief that Brenton is the dad--I was so concerned.

Jeri Call said...

Hey Jazz,
I can't believe you haven't read the books yet. You HAVE to read them, don't base it off the movies, the books are better.

As far as sleeping goes, you can sleep on your back until like 20 weeks. And then after that you just don't sleep. I have a good night sleep about every 4 nights. I think I just get so tired that I can sleep through it. But just be prepared for your hips to hurt. I toss back and forth several times a night. Some night I end up sleeping sitting it. It isn't fun, but I promise it is worth it in the end. (I have tried one but I am thinking my next pregnancy I am getting one of those pregnancy body pillows.)

So how are you feeling? How far along are you? You need to put a count down on your blog! Oh, I am so excited for you guys. Kids are so much fun!