Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sweets for your Sweetie(s)

Okay so this Sunday, August 23rd is

Make a sweet for your sweetie(s)Day

This Sunday, it's the day to say to your loved ones,

"Hey I love you, have some dessert!"

Some of you might be thinking..."NO I can't, my diet" well then pick something sweet that works with your diet. Like Angel Food Cake Berries and Whip Cream! Or Sugar Free Jello and Whip Cream (can you tell I love Whip Cream?)

Take the rest of this week to plan for Sunday dessert, make it good!

1 comment:

Carmen's Corner said...

Forget the fancy dessert photos, post some Peanut Pics!!!! Oh, yes... Hi Jazzy, how are you? I hope things are going well, please kiss the baby for me and...
Post me some picturessssss!