Sunday, May 17, 2009


This woman contains:

1- Baby girl
1-Medium Size Red Mango Frozen Yogurt with mango slices YUM!!!

Thus explains the huge smile on my face!
36 Weeks! 


Trent & Emily Davies said...

Ahhh look how cute you are!! Pregnancy definitely suits you!!

Stephanie said...

You look beautiful!

Good luck in the next few weeks. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little girl!

Mrs. Two Cents said...

Are you STILL hurting??? Go easy on the lortab!! We don't want Peanut to have to go to baby rehab. (Or you for that matter!) Hope you start feeling better soon!

Alicia said... cute! I wish I could see you all cute and knocked up!

Andrea said...


Jess said...

wow! 36 weeks...that's so awesome! you look fabulous chassy.

Ben and Meg said...

Fantastic picture! You're positively glowing!