Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Day in the Life

I am a person of routine, kinda. I don't purposely put myself in a routine, somehow I just end up in one. Usually it's due to my school and work schedule, as well as Brenton's work and school schedule. Our schedules change every Aug and Jan. I try not to be so bound by the schedule, I usually catch on that my life is like the movie Groundhogs Day and at that point I quickly make a change. Sadly though, this is usually at the end of the school term, so it's too late.

My life BB (Before Baby) consisted of waking up no later than 6am, Brenton to the Train by 7:05am, Work by 8am, Leave work by 5pm, pick Brenton up at 5:20pm, School by 5:45pm (class started at 5:30) Class done by 6:50pm, pick Brenton up from class at 7:50pm, From 8-10:30pm it was dinner, walk the dog, check my email, facebook, homework that is due the next day and then lights out. Oh and grocery shopping if needed and spend time with my husband.....Then we do it all over again!

It's kind of a vicious cycle, we work hard to earn the money so that we can provide a good life for ourselves, but...when do we have time to experience it?

Finally a break of light through the clouds....We have found a life where we aren't running around, and we can what now?? Spend time together!! Holy cow is it possible? Oh yes it's possible! And I will tell you my secret, so that you too can live in such happiness.....are you ready? Get your pen and paper.....

The secret is...
Move 2000+ miles away from the life that you are currently living and both you and your spouse be unemployed!

That's it folks, do this and your life can be as carefree and lax-a-dazy as ours!

With this lifestyle you can do things like... go shopping in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday! I know you are shaking your head saying, impossible, but no it's true!

You can sit and stare at the pile of picture frames still waiting to be put up on the walls, and then tell yourself "tomorrow!"

I keep asking The Brenton his opinion on how we can both still live like this and get paid for it...after much brainstorming we have come up with the answer that we must have someone leave money for us in their will.....And since everyone lives to be 115 now a days, I don't think it's going to work out for us!

So off to the job interviews we go! Wish us luck!

Now for those of you saying, "Who cares, show us pictures of the baby....MOM...." here you all go!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Talk about a close call

Wonder what you are looking at???

Well if you guessed a fallen tree, well you are right. This is the view from our patio this morning. We had a storm last night, it didn't seem too bad, rain, thunder and lightning nothing too crazy. This tree is right in front of our building and it fell without us hearing it...weird huh?

Can you see anything else? Well if you answered a get 50 extra points. If you look close you can kind of see a hub cap underneath the branches.

How awesome is this?? Our car is the one just a space away from the fallen tree.

We are seriously rethinking where we park the car.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thank you TLC

I have my cable back which means I am catching up on t.V. Last week I saw commercials for this show on TLC.....
This is one AMAZING show. It's basically a bunch of mom's being dum dums on film. (Not saying that all pageant mom's are dum dums, but I am just saying THESE moms are). If you ever feel down on yourself and need a boost of self this show!!

The Brenton warns me that I am not allowed to pageant Adalena.

I think she could be a winner!!

Well anyway we have some time...Girlfriend is 2 months old today!!!! Happy day to you Baby!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It pays to sit and watch T.v.

So we planned a trip to Philly for the cheesesteak...AND the history and culture and what not....but yeah the cheesesteak. The night before I googled all the fun things to see in Philly and of couse the two main things were the Liberty Bell

and the Rocky stairs that he runs up in the movie

So after 5 min of history we were done and ready to go eat some cheesesteaks. My little brother Jake had one in mind. He had a friend's recommendation, which came in the form of an address not a name, so when we looked in the GPS for the address and saw that it didn't exist, we thought...well the BOYS thought "Hey lets drive through Philly and see if we can find it!!!"

Yeah, so did I mention that we were all raised in Utah or Northern CA? And our views on life are golden sun rays of love. So driving through the city didn't really give us a red flag that maybe we shouldn't because there are some awesome scary areas that we don't know off we went to find this cheesteak corner place that we had no idea what it's called.

So 20 min of driving through a neighborhood where we probably should not have been and we found the address and there was a corner deli...that had been closed for some time now...

So we went to two spots that I found...

Last year I started watching Food Paradise from the travel channel. They do a whole show based on one donuts, hamburgers, and what not. Yes I love food can you tell?

So on one episode they did it on steak...I know steak and yes I watched the whole episode. And they showed a story about two competing cheesesteak spots in Philadelphia. They are literally across the street from each other.

There is

Brenton and I choose to go to Pat's. Jake went to Geno's

The Brenton showing off his "mushroom provolone without" from Pat's and Jake is showing off his "provolone with" from Geno's.(that is cheesesteak talk). They had a sign of how to order, and if you stalled the guy would yell at you. I got so nervous, but when it was my turn, I ordered like a pro.

Here is Pat's sandwich, a provolone with

yeah, the grease didn't stay on the paper...Mmmmm Philly Cheesesteak! Now after trying bites from both sandwiches we decided that Pat is King!

Oh and the history was cool too....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well folks, 40 traveling hrs and we made it to Maryland. After crossing Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana I had a huge craving for corn. Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland...beautiful states lots of foliage.

Brenton and I were blessed to have my brother Jake and my BFF Cassidy fly in from CA to help us drive. The boys drove the truck, and the ladies were in the car.
Here is the marvelous view Cass and I had for 3 days straight, the butt of a Penske!

These are my enemies..brown boxes!!

Now being here almost a week, I have figured out how to drive to the grocery store, the gas station, the Chinese restaurant, and DSW shoe warehouse. You know, all the important places. All other places require my lovely GPS navigator to help us get around.

Humidity....ahh humidity. So far it hasn't been that bad. Nebraska was probably worse than what we have had here, and the hair frizz...well I think I have that under control...Thank you Redkin Smooth Down!

I have been blessed with the world's best traveling baby. She handeled the drive so perfectly. She even let me sleep a good 7 hours two nights in a row after we got here. Cassidy was dubbed Mom #2 by Jake. I miss my mom #2!! Come back

After 4 days of driving and unpacking, we went out for our first D.C. experience. It was lots of fun...hotter than Haities, but fun. I think we were all sweating prufusly while we walked our way around the memorials, yet we still found time to pose for pictures...everyone say FACEBOOK!

Me and the Mr. We have the Washington monument behind us, and then behind that if you look closely there is the Capital. Directly in front of us is the Lincoln memorial and to the left of the Lincoln Memorial is the White house... it's a tourist dream come true!

Mmmm...seafood dinner! Don't let Jake's face fool you he enjoyed his shrimp

Jake as he strolls around the park (Obama's house in the back). See all the people in the park?? There were a million softball games going on. I thought for sure we were going to get tagged in the head.

So far, Maryland is a great home!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh! Heck NO!!!

There are a lot of moms out there that let their daughters walk out of the house with practically NO clothes on...and I worry...Will I ever get to be that clueless?? I mean they say that having kids wipes out your brain cells, which I have seen first hand...but will enough brain cells be gone that I would let my sweet wonderful little girl out into the world looking a little hussy????
This is a small example of the girls that I saw at our 4th of July parade

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blessing day

Due to the fact that we are moving to a land far far away, Brenton and I decided to have the baby blessing in Utah while we still had family around. So last Sunday was our big day...

Note: If you would like to know more about an LDS baby blessing, find your nearest LDS member or flag down the missionaries in your area!

I was so frazzled that I didn't take any pictures, I had to redress her when everyone left and take some, so these are what I got...

She had heard a lot of America's Next Top Model while growing in my tummy, this is her "delicate" face..but she will never make it in the industry if she doesn't learn to put her hands down, every pic she looked like she was raising the roof!

Obviously I have a lot of work to do since we don't like headbands... accessories Girl!

I love this one...My sweet mother gave me my baby blessing dress, which as you see here comes with a bonnet. It was all a little big, but way cute!! The whole time she had the dress on I kept singing...."Pioneer Children Sang as they Walked and Walked and Walked"