Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dedication or Stubborn????

Presidents Day Weekend = Long weekend when I can go see my family without taking work off+not too pregnant to drive we headed to CA!

We got news that it could snow on our way, we got chains(which was a fantastic idea because we used them TWICE! The Brenton...he did such a good job putting them on, and taking them off...I did really good about reading the directions and turning the steering wheel! TEAMWORK!) we packed our car with extra blankets and food and water....we were started off like thisThe last 4 hours were...amazing from 3am-7am it was like this (view from our windshield)13 Hrs later we arrived to our wonderful mom's house!

Now we are getting ready to do it all again on Monday! Yes we could have stayed home and avoided the dangers of driving in nasty weather, but I need to visit the homeland who doesn't jump at the chance to see their mom?


Jeana said...

holy crap! that weather is frightful. You guys be WAY careful. And if there is any stubborn on Brenton's part, he gets it from his dad!!

Jeana said...
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Carmen Joyner said...

Jazzy it´s so nice to see your pics while I´m sitting in my mom´s office I think it´s the mid 80´s outside. it´s sunny and beautiful and the food it´s out of this world. Having a good time, wish you were here:0)