Thursday, April 2, 2009

She's Baaaaccckkkk!

Jazz: Oh Hello there Coo-Koo nice to see you again!!!

Nut Job: (evil glare)

Jazz: Oh I see you have been making yourself comfortable this week

Nut Job: Ya, it's been a pretty productive week

Jazz: Yes, I recall! How was that break down of yours? Good?

Nut Job: Ehh...I have done better, but it did the job...I got that "I am married to a crack pot!" look from The Brenton didn't I?

Jazz: Oh yes, yes you took me a day or two to get that look to go away, thanks!

Nut Job: No problem

Jazz: So what's your deal this week? Why are you hanging around so long?

Nut Job: There is just sooo much material around lately, I'm thinking about hanging out for a while

Jazz: Really? hmmm...I don't think that is such a great idea

Nut Job: Ya, it kinda is....

Jazz: I have noticed you have set in for the most innocent of people, maybe you should just lay low for a bit

Nut Job: That's the dumbest idea I have ever heard...

Jazz: See that is what I am talking about, stop saying what you are thinking!!!

Nut Job: Ya, it's kind of funny to hear you try to talk me out of saying it, but of course I am going to...I'm defiant!

Jazz: Right, got that...well do you think you can be quiet for the weekend? I mean I would like to have a day this week where The Brenton isn't considering running away.

Nut Job: I don't make any promises!

Jazz: Jerk! Oopps...

Nut Job: Ha ha ha ha ha